Kathryn Cowen, Upcoming Artist Residency at Gunyah, 2020
Gunyah Artist-In-Residence Program 2020
Kathryn Cowen, Field Guide Specimens (studio installation), 2019, seed pods, twigs, date palm inflorescence branches, shells, rocks, expanding foam, paint, laboratory glassware, plastic figurines
During my residency at Gunyah I plan to work on components of an installation using found natural objects and small sculptures, housed in scientific glassware. This new work will present specimens from a post apocalyptic world where the scale and relationship between flora and fauna has been inverted, minuscule life forms rule and the light we live by has changed. The work is intended to question our ecological future and invite the viewer to imagine alternate realities and future biological forms. The COVID-19 pandemic has diminished our perceived human power. Desperately peering into microscopes looking for an answer, how will we adapt and grow in our relationship to nature in this new world order?
While at Gunyah I will continue fossicking and refine this work in progress for presentation as part of the Movers and Shapers ‘Women and the Land' sculpture exhibition to be held at Hazelhurst Arts Centre in 2021.
You can see more of Kathryn's work on her website kathryncowen.com and instagram instagram.com/kathryn.cowen